Kokokahi Gymnastics Team is a not-for-profit organization.
We rely on the generosity of the community to accomplish our mission. Here are some of the ways in which
you can lend your support.
We rely on the generosity of the community to accomplish our mission. Here are some of the ways in which
you can lend your support.
At times, we reach out to our Kokokahi Ohana for basic needs of our gymnastics facility. If you are interested, we always welcome donations of the following items:
1. Toilet paper
2. Cases of bottled water
3. Disinfecting wipes
4. Hand sanitizer
5. Hand soap
6. Tri fold paper towels
7. Copy paper
8. First aid items
9. Hawaiian fabric for grip bags
1. Toilet paper
2. Cases of bottled water
3. Disinfecting wipes
4. Hand sanitizer
5. Hand soap
6. Tri fold paper towels
7. Copy paper
8. First aid items
9. Hawaiian fabric for grip bags
AmazonSmile is a program that takes very little effort to participate in, but has a positive impact on KGT. At no additional cost to you, Amazon shares a small portion of your purchase. Click on the link above to sign up!
Your donations to Kokokahi Gymnastics Team are tax deductible!
Fed. Tax I.D. # 23-7140533
State Tax I.D. # 10064989
Your donations to Kokokahi Gymnastics Team are tax deductible!
Fed. Tax I.D. # 23-7140533
State Tax I.D. # 10064989